Far too many people view church leadership as nothing more than title, position and task. If that sounds overstated, one might take a look at the job descriptions that are out there for positions within the local church. Pastoral job descriptions often focus on the responsibilities of preaching, pastoral care, counseling and administrative functions. The job description may go on to outline the hours required in these tasks and the compensation for carrying out the tasks. Don’t get me wrong, these tasks are important to the church and a necessary part of church leadership.
However, if we are committed to growing healthy churches that are truly advancing the kingdom of God, then we must expand our view of leadership. If we are pastors, elders, deacons, teachers or team leaders within the church, it is critical that we grow in our understanding of leadership. We also need to understand that it is very possible to have a title and a position, and even complete important tasks, without actually leading God’s people.
So, let’s state the question directly: What is church leadership all about? Here are 18 answers to get us started on the journey (in no particular order of importance):
- Church leadership is about taking God’s people to the next level in their walk with Christ.
- Church leadership is about godly character.
- Church leadership is about servanthood and submission.
- Church leadership is about spiritual investment in the lives of other people, including future leaders.
- Church leadership is about spiritual influence.
- Church leadership is about establishing a pattern for others to follow.
- Church leadership is about doing and being.
- Church leadership is about guarding reputation.
- Church leadership is about knowing the truth of God’s Word.
- Church leadership is about guarding the truth of God’s Word.
- Church leadership is about living in the truth of God’s Word.
- Church leadership is about proclaiming the truth of God’s Word.
- Church leadership is about finishing the race.
- Church leadership is about leaving a legacy.
- Church leadership is about expanding the kingdom.
- Church leadership is about building up the church.
- Church leadership is about God (not about me).
- Church leadership is about bringing glory to God.
This list is by no means an exhaustive answer to the question, but it is my attempt to provide food for thought as we seek to fulfill our calling as leaders in the church. Regardless of what our job description says, the type of leadership described above is the expectation of our calling. The next time your position requires you to lead a meeting, or preach a sermon, or respond to a crisis, remember it is an opportunity TO LEAD. In that sense, leadership is a verb.
Thank you for your leadership in the cause of Christ. If I can serve you or your leadership team in any way, please contact me via the contact tab at www.ChurchHealth180.com.