What We Do
How do we take our church to the next level of health and effectiveness? This is the key question which every church leader should be asking.
Who We Are
The key to church health is healthy leaders. ChurchHealth180 is all about building healthy churches by building healthy leaders.
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Are you interested in working with ChurchHealth180? We want to learn more about you and share what it looks like to work with Dr. Steve.
Why is church health so important?
Because there is a direct correlation between the health of the church and the success of the mission. Right before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he gave His followers the great mission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). All of us in leadership desire success in this mission. Here's how it works:

Our nation is undergoing dramatic change. It’s happening quickly and it’s noticed by everyone. We are connected to each other like never before, but we have never been so far apart. There has been a fundamental shift in the way we interact with one another. Civility and common...
Far too many people view church leadership as nothing more than title, position and task. If that sounds overstated, one might take a look at the job descriptions that are out there for positions within the local church. Pastoral job descriptions often focus on the responsibilities of preaching,...
In three weeks I am scheduled to visit my family doctor for an annual physical exam. It’s going to cost me time and money, and given the fact that I feel healthier than ever before, why bother? I have no physical complaints and there’s part of me that thinks, “if it isn’t...
I find that when Steve speaks, I get out my pen and write things down. Steve has that ability to articulate your current reality in a way you could not put into words before. From there he will help you paint a picture of what healthy and effective can look like, in your context. He does not leave you on your own though, from there Steve's strategic mind can help you develop a strategy to get from where you are to where God is calling you to be.
Dr. Bruce Hopler, National Director of Church Strengthening, Converge Worldwide, Orlando, FL
As a young pastor I realized that I needed someone who had walked where I wanted to walk, who could assist me to navigate the terrain of church leadership with wisdom. Through his work with our elder board and the personal guidance he gave me, Dr. Patrick has transformed my ministry and leadership strategy. Any leader who seeks to grow in both vision and discipleship would be well served through ChurchHealth180.
Aaron Gonzalez, Lead Pastor, Oakhill Christian Church, Janesville, WI
I am deeply thankful for Dr. Patrick's experience and insight in helping our church navigate through some difficult leadership issues. He has a unique ability to bring clarity to the challenge at hand, and lovingly speak truth from God's Word toward the solution. Through his teaching and personal instruction, he has helped me grow as a pastor and church leader.
John Anderson, Lead Pastor, Hope Community Church, Shawano, WI
Dr. Steve Patrick is a gifted leader, communicator and mentor. We met with Steve as a leadership team to learn principles of godly leadership as well as to learn how to launch a mentorship plan for building healthy leaders in our ministry. The godly wisdom we gleaned from Steve has proven extremely valuable to the health and growth of our ministry. Steve has a great heart, a warm personality, and a great passion for the Word of God and for the church. I highly recommend him and his ministry!
Craig Legel, Lead Pastor, Real Hope Community Church, Lake Mills, WI
Dr. Steve Patrick brings more than three decades of both ministry and pastoral experience to his role now as leadership strategist/consultant for ChurchHealth180. His pastoral and therapeutic experience gives him a unique perspective on the critical role of both the health of church leaders and congregations themselves. As someone who has known Dr. Patrick for several years and had the privilege of working with him as a colleague during his time on the staff of Converge Great Lakes, I wholeheartedly endorse Dr. Patrick and ChurchHealth180.
Dr. Dwight A. Perry, Regional President/Executive Minister (Retired), Converge Great Lakes, Madison, WI.
As a young pastor, I grew tremendously as a leader during the six years I served under Pastor Steve. Through his leadership our church transitioned from a medium-sized congregation in a small town to become a larger, regional church where people were hearing the Gospel and coming to faith. Steve is a fine pastor and a skilled communicator, however, his passion for casting vision and empowering team leadership impacted my ministry greatly. I believe that the Lord is going to use Steve to help churches to unify around a Christ-centered vision for growth and strategy that is biblically informed. The experience that he brings will help church staff and congregations of all sizes to work better.
Bill Cuthbertson, Discipleship Pastor, Terra Nova Church, Troy, NY
Dr. Steve Patrick helped our church go through what is called Natural Church Development (NCD) and in that process was a very capable coach for us. Steve was exceptionally strong in relating to our Elder Board throughout our 18 month process. He has an exceptional way of shepherding others who are in leadership. Steve’s strengths are his many years of pastoral experience, understanding of the rigors of ministry leadership and his biblical vision to help churches become what Christ intended them to become.
Ron Weller, Lead Pastor, The River, River Falls, WI
One of the most common deficiencies hurting churches in America today is the lack of strong, biblical leadership. I had the great blessing and privilege of being mentored by, and serving alongside, Dr. Stephen Patrick. Pastor Steve is gifted with great clarity and vision regarding church leadership. He is passionate about excellence and is skilled in identifying and raising up leaders from within the church. Pastor Steve built up and reinforced within me, and many others, a strong foundation of biblical truth with sound leadership principles. This preparation provided the tools to grow and courage to lead. Under his guidance and instruction, many men have discovered their spiritual gifts and are part of an umbrella of leadership that effectively ministers the truth of the Gospel of Christ in love.
Darrin Lung, Elder, Grace Church, Gladstone, MI