Leaders are most effectively developed in the context of relationship and over the course of time. This is why leadership mentoring is a major focus of ChurchHealth180. Far too many churches are failing in their responsibility to prepare and equip their leaders (current and future leaders) for effective service within the church. Elders, Deacons and other church leaders, are often selected for their position on the basis of their availability and willingness, rather than on the basis of their giftedness and training. We call this the “warm body” approach to filling the leadership needs of the church. This must be corrected if we are to see sustained spiritual health in our churches. ChurchHealth180 can help your church develop and implement an effective LEADERSHIP MENTORING ministry. Once this is operational, your church will have an ongoing and steady stream of trained and gifted leaders to meet the needs of a growing ministry for years to come. Every church, regardless of size and financial resource, can implement this ministry with proven results. Preparing God’s people for works of service is in fact a key function of a pastor and must be a priority for churches seeking greater health. If your church is interested in implementing such a ministry, ChurchHealth180 requires two three-hour workshops or one five-hour workshop during which you will receive training and materials to get started.


When it comes to theology, hermeneutics, biblical languages, homiletics and the like, pastors are often well-prepared for serving in the local church. However, when it comes to leadership, many pastors are left to struggle on their own. Only in recent years have seminaries started addressing the issue of pastor as leader. Most pastors I have talked with have never been mentored into their leadership role in any intentional way.

Have you ever thought, It sure would be nice to have someone in my life that has walked this path before me? Someone I could bounce this off of, or ask a question, or obtain wise feedback, or simply pick his brain? Have you ever wondered what it would be like for a seasoned leader to intentionally invest quality time in your life for one purpose: that you become a more effective leader in your calling to lead the local church?

Dr. Steve has invested a good portion of his life investing in church leaders. He would consider it a wonderful privilege to invest in you. For a period of 12 months he will come alongside you with the goal of strengthening your leadership for the cause of Christ. The specifics of what this will look like and the cost involved will be determined following an initial telephone conversation. This initial telephone conversation is at no charge.

If interested in pursuing a mentoring relationship with Dr. Steve, or if you would like additional information, please contact ChurchHealth180.


ChurchHealth180 is also available to come to your church, or regional gathering, to present a three-hour LEADERSHIP SUMMIT entitled “Breaking Barriers”. In seeking to take your church to the next level, you often encounter obstacles/barriers along the way. This Leadership Summit will challenge the way you think about leadership and will better equip you to break through the barriers toward church health and effective ministry. This training is very different than typical leadership development seminars. A change of thinking will correlate with a change in leadership behavior within your church.