ChurchHealth180 is available to meet with your leadership team to address any specific need or issue you may be facing in your ministry. These consultations will be in person when that is geographically feasible, otherwise they will be done via electronic means (ie. Zoom Mobile Meetings, etc). ChurchHealth180 is ready to consult with you regarding any of the following issues or needs:

Pastoral Transition

ChurchHealth180 can help you with any or all of the following:

  • Developing a transition plan
  • Establishing clear priorities during the interim
  • Utilizing this season for improving church health
  • Forming and implementing a Search Team
  • What to look for in a new pastor? Profile/Job Description/Qualifications


ChurchHealth180 can help your church develop a clear biblical vision for the future of your ministry. We know what the Bible says about the absence of vision and so we seek to inspire and coach leaders in how to develop and cast biblical vision.

Strategic Planning

ChurchHealth180 is well prepared to coach your leaders in the development and implementation of strategic plans. All leaders and ministries within a church should be operating with dynamic strategic plans that tie into a larger church plan that is intentionally looking for God to do His amazing work.


This area of church life is often neglected and marginalized. The various systems and structures that make up your church need ongoing evaluation and attention. From constitutions, policies and budgets to mechanisms of accountability, decision-making authority, and methods of communication, they all need attention. From worship, discipleship and prayer to youth, children and adult ministries, these systems and structures are important parts of what the Bible calls the church. ChurchHealth180 can help you to improve what we refer to as the infrastructure of the church.

Conflict Resolution

ChurchHealth180 provides training in conflict prevention and conflict resolution, and provides counsel to churches in the midst of conflict, including staff conflict.

If you are interested in consultation services related to these or other issues facing your church, please contact ChurchHealth180.